Markers for Tomato Chromosomes
See SGN site for chromosome map
The objective of our project was to locate introgressions associated with begomovirus-resistance genes in germplasm from the tomato breeding program at San Carlos University, Guatemala. PCR fragments were amplified using primers for markers from the SGN web site, if available, and by designing primers, if not. These PCR fragments were directly sequenced, and the sequence of fragments from begomovirus-resistant inbred lines were compared with each other and the corresponding fragments from susceptible lines. The presence of SNPs or indels in fragments from resistant-inbred lines was assumed to indicate an introgression from a wild species.
Project was funded by USAID/MERC and USAID/CRD projects.
University of Wisconsin-Madison: Dr. Mike Havey, Dr. Luis Mejia, Dr. Douglas Maxwell, Brenda Garcia, Luis Montes, Sergio Melgar, Julieta Ortiz, Carolina Zea Rosales, Khadija El Mehrach, Daisuke Furusawa, Amilcar Sanchez, Andreas Palides, Christopher Martin, Mindy Salus, Katie S. Jensen, Dr. Sonia Gharsallah-Couchane
Hebrew University of Jerusaleum: Dr. Akad Fouad, Dr. Hanokh Czosnek, Dr. Favi Vidavski, Hila Beery
University of Florida: Dr. Yuanfu Ji, Dr. Aliya Momotaz, Dr. Jay W. Scott
All laboratory work was done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Protocols for detection of resistance loci
Information about markers for tomato chromosomes
Chromosome 5
Chromosome 6 (Rex-1, Mi-1.2, Ty-1, Ty-3, Ty-3a)
Chromosome 8
Chromosome 10
Chromosome 11 (Ty-2, I-2 gene)
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