Breeding Tomatoes for begomovirus resistance in Guatemala
Molecular Marker-Assisted Breeding for Resistance
to Whitefly-Transmitted Geminiviruses Infecting Tomato in Guatemala
Sponsors: i) United States - Israel Co-operative Development Research Program, The Agency for International Development, USA
ii) CONCYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia), GT
Overall aim:
Introduce molecular marker-assisted breeding technology into Guatemala using the development of locally adapted tomato cultivars resistant to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses and other economically important pathogens as a model system.
Specific research objectives:
1. Introduce the principles of molecular marker-assisted breeding technology into a research program and into the M. Sc. Degree Program at Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala City.
2 2. Determine whether the markers used to map genes for resistance to TYLCV and ToLCV (Eastern Hemisphere geminiviruses) identify identical loci in the tomato breeding lines selected for resistance to the Guatemalan geminiviruses.
3 3. Identify molecular markers linked to genes for resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses from Guatemala that are different than those in objective 2.
4 4. Determine if the field-selected resistant tomato germplasm is resistant to all three tomato-infecting whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses in Guatemala.
5. Combine the independent sources of resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses and evaluate this material in the field in Guatemala and Israel.
6. Use molecular markers to combine genes for resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses and other pathogens into improved resistant genotypes of tomatoes suited for the Guatemalan market.
Brief summary of results
Background - site and sources of resistance
Information on selection criteria; examples
Results of Field Evaluations for Resistance
July04/Oct04-Sanarate, GTJanuary05-April05 - Sanarate, GT and Antigua, GT
July05-Oct05 - Sanarate, GT and Antigua, GT
January06-April06 [Site under construction]
Breeding lines and Hybrids Developed with Begomovirus resistance
Marker-Assisted Selection
Tagging genes for begomovirus resistance
Development of PCR-based methods for detecting the Mi-1 locus for root-knot nematode resistance
updated April 2006, Douglas P. Maxwell
[Projects on Breeding Tomatoes for Resistance]