Evaluation of tomato hybrids for resistance to geminiviruses in Sanarate, Guatemala: October 04


Selections from Gc178-2-3 (L. chilense resistance)

Parents: M82 (blocky) and Gc9 (round)

(F3 plants were in the field)

Happy fellows!!!!


Commerical hybrid, Silverado, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. Over 300 plants of commerical hybrids were planted in the plot area and all had a DSI = 3.5 or greater. Essential no yield. Plants shown below (code 55 plants) were in the same block but image taken 12 days later, so more leaf damage.




Experimental line, code 55-b, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. F3 plant, DSI = 2; red; shape 38; firmness 40; length 5 cm; color 35; weight 110 g; yield 45; vigor 40; overall 90 (outstanding plant). g, j2+, T=1

See fruit.


Experimental line, code 55-c, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. F3 plant, DSI = 2; red; shape 33; firmness 40; length 5 cm; color 40; weight 100 g; yield 35; vigor 40; overall 80 (excellent plant).

See fruit. g, j2+, T=1


Also, a plant (code 55-a) with fruit shape of 48 (nearly round) and 110 g was also selected and this plant had an overall score of 90. See fruit.



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