Evaluation of tomato hybrids for resistance to geminiviruses in Sanarate, Guatemala: October 04


Selections from Gc178-2-3

Parents: M82 (blocky) and Gc9 (round)

(F3 plants were in the field)


Fruit from plant with code 55-b.

Experimental line, code 55-b, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. F3 plant, DSI = 2; red; shape 38; firmness 40; length 5 cm; color 35; weight 110 g; yield 45; vigor 40; overall 90 (outstanding plant).




Fruit from plant with code 55-c.

Experimental line, code 55-c, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. F3 plant, DSI = 2; red; shape 33; firmness 40; length 5 cm; color 40; weight 100 g; yield 35; vigor 40; overall 80 (excellent plant).




Fruit from plant with code 55-a.



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