Trial 1: Germplasm Evaluation of tomato germplasm for resistance to geminiviruses.
Plots are located at the east end of the Sansirisay Valle, GT. The tomatoes were grown in the open and transplanted in November to this field location. Incidence of plants with geminivirus symptoms for the commercial cultivar, Elios, is 100%.
Photo shows a segregating family of plants from
seeds from a plant of FAVI 9 (F1 hybrid), which had a DSI = 1 in the previous
field trial (March to August, 1999).
Plants are segregating and have DSI's ranging from 1 to 3.5. The DSI scale =, 0
= no symptoms, 1 = most likely symptoms, to 4 = extremely stunted and malformed
leaves. Samples were collected from each plant for detection of geminiviruses
with specific PCR primers being developed at UW-Madison.