Douglas P. Maxwell, professor emeritus

Recent Research Interests:

1) Breeding tomatoes for resistance to begomoviruses for the Middle East and Central America

2) Breedomg tomatoes for resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum for Central America

3) Development of PCR-based markers for detection of resistance genes in tomato breeding lines



Publications: (selected ones, since 1991)

Gilbertson, R. L., Faria, J. C., Hanson, S. F., Morales, F. J., Ahlquist, P., Maxwell, D. P., and Russell, D. R. 1991. Infection of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) with cloned geminiviral DNA mediated by electric discharge particle acceleration. Phytopathology 81:980-985.

Hansen, E. M., and Maxwell, D. P. 1991. Species of the Phytophthora megasperma complex. Mycologia 83:376-381.

Gilbertson, R. L., Hidayat, S. H., Martinez, R. T., Leong, S. A., Faria, J. C., Morales, F. J., and Maxwell, D. P. 1991. Differentiation of bean-infecting geminiviruses by nucleic acid hybridization probes and aspects of bean golden mosaic in Brazil. Plant Dis. 75:336-342.

Rojas, M. R., Gilbertson, R. L., Russell, D. R., and Maxwell, D. P. 1993. Use of degenerate primers in the polymerase chain reaction to detect whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. Plant Dis. 77:340-347.

Faria, J. C., Gilbertson, R. L., Hanson, S. F., Morales, F. J., Ahlquist, P., Loniello, A. O., and Maxwell, D. P. 1994. Bean golden mosaic geminivirus type II isolates from the Dominican Republic and Guatemala: Nucleotide sequence, infectious pseudorecombinants, and phylogenetic relationships. Phytopathology 84:321-329.

Mehta, P., Wyman, J. A., Nakhla, M. K., and Maxwell, D. P. 1994. Polymerase chain reaction detection of viruliferous Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) with two tomato-infecting geminiviruses. J. Econ. Entomol. 87:1285-1290.

Aragão, F. J. L., S. G. Ribeiro, L. M. G. Barros, A. C. M. Brasileiro, D. P. Maxwell, E. L. Rech, and J. C. Faria. 1998. Transgenic beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) engineered to express viral antisense RNAs showed delayed and attenuated symptoms to bean golden mosaic geminivirus. Molecular Breeding 4:491-499.

Hanson, S. F., and Maxwell, D. P. 1999. Trans-dominant inhibition of geminiviral DNA replication by bean golden mosaic geminivirus rep gene mutants. Phytopathology 89:480-486.

Potter, J.L., Nakhla, M.K., Mejía, M., and Maxwell, D.P. 2003. PCR and hybridization methods for specific detection of bean-infecting begomoviruses in the Americas and Caribbean. Plant Dis. 87:1205-1212.

Nakhla, M.K., Sorenson, A. Mejía, L., Ramírez, P., Karkashian, J.P., and Maxwell, D.P. 2005. Molecular Characterization of Tomato-Infecting Begomoviruses in Central America and Development of DNA-Based Detection Methods. Acta Hort. 695:277-288.

El Mehrach, K., S. Gharsallah Chouchane, L. Mejía, V. M. Williamson, F. Vidavski, A. Hatimi, M.S. Salus, C.T. Martin, and D.P. Maxwell. 2005. PCR-Based Methods for Tagging the Mi-1 Locus for Resistance to Root-Knot Nematode in Begomovirus-Resistant Tomato Germplasm. Acta Hort. 695:263-270.

Mejía, L., R. E. Teni, F. Vidavski, H. Czosnek, M. Lapidot, M. K. Nakhla, and D. P. Maxwell. 2005. Evaluation of tomato germplasm and selection of breeding lines for resistance to begomoviruses in Guatemala. Acta Hort. 695:251-255.

Abhary, M.K., G.H. Anfoka, M.K. Nakhla, and D.P. Maxwell. 2006. Post-transcriptional gene silencing in controlling viruses of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus complex. Arch. Virol. 152:2349-2363.

El Mehrach, K., M. Sedegui., A. Hatimi, S. Tahrouch, A. Arifi, and D.P. Maxwell. 2006. Application of a multiplex PCR method for the detection of Mi-1.2 gene in tomato breeding lines with resistance to begomoviruses. Acta Botanica Gallica (accepted)

Gharsallah-Chouchane, S., Gorsane, F., Nakhla, M.K., Maxwell, D.P., Marrakchi, M., and Fakhfakh, H. 2006. Complete nucleotide sequence and construction of an infectious clone of a Tunisian Isolate of Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus. J. Phytopathology 154:626-631.

Gorsane F., Gharsallah Chouchane S., Nakhla M.K., Fekih-Hassen I., Maxwell D.P., Marrakchi M., Fakhfakh H. 2005. Simultaneaous and rapid differentiation of members of the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Complex by multiplex PCR. J. Plant Pathol.87:39-44.

Rezk, A. A.-S., Abdallah, N. A., Abdel-Salam, A.M., Nakhla, M.K., Mazyad, H.M., and Maxwell, D.P. 2006. Transgene-mediated RNA silencing of TYLCV genes affecting the accumulation of viral DNA in plants. Arab. J. Biotech. 9:143-158.

El-Mohtar, C.A., H.S. Atamian, R.B. Dagher, Y. Abou-Jawdah, M.S. Salus, and D.P. Maxwell. 2006. Marker-assisted selection of tomato genotypes with the I-2 gene for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 2. Plant Dis.91:758-762.

El Mehrach, K., M. Sedegui., A. Hatimi, S. Tahrouch, A. Arifi, H. Czosnek, M.K. Nakhla and D.P. Maxwell. 2007. Molecular Characterization of an Isolate of Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus from Morocco. Phyto. Med. (In Press)

Maxwell, D.P., and Czosnek, H. 2007. International networks to deal with Tomato yellow leaf curl disease: The Middle East Regional Cooperative Program, In H. Czosnek (ed.), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease: management, molecular biology, breeding for resistance. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 409-416.

Ji, Y., Scott, J.W., Hanson, P., Graham, E., and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Sources of resistance, inheritance, and location of genetic loci conferring resistance to members of the tomato-infecting begomoviruses, In H. Czosnek (ed.), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease: management, molecular biology, breeding for resistance. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 343-362.

Garcia, B.E., Graham, E., Jensen, K.S., Hanson, P., Mejía, L., and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Co-dominant SCAR marker for detection of the begomovirus-resistance Ty2 locus derived from Solanum habrochaites in tomato germplasm. Tomato Genetic Cooperative Report 57:21-24.

Ji, Y., Salus, M.S., van Betteray, B., Smeets, J., Jensen, K., Martin, C.T., Mejía, L., Scott, J.W., Havey, M.J., and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Co-dominant SCAR markers for detection of the Ty-3 and Ty-3a loci from Solanum chilense at 25 cM of chromosome 6 of tomato. Tomato Genetic Cooperative Report 57:25-28.

Martin, C.T., Salus, M.S., Garcia, B.E., Jensen, K.S., Montes, L., Zea, C., Melgar, S., El Mehrach, K., Ortiz, J., Sanchez, A., Havey, M.J., Mejía, and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Evaluation of PCR-based markers for scanning tomato chromosomes for introgressions from wild species. Tomato Genetic Cooperative Report 57:31-34.

Seah, S., Williamson, V.M., Garcia, B.E., Mejía, L., Salus, M.S., Martin, C.T., and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Evaluation of a co-dominant SCAR marker for detection of the Mi-1 locus for resistance to root-knot nematode in tomato germplasm. Tomato Genetic Cooperative Report 57:37-40.

El Mohatar , C.A. , Atamian, H.S., Dagher, R.B., Abou-Jawdah, Y., Salus, M.S., and Maxwell, D.P. 2007. Marker-assisted selection of tomato genotypes with the I-2 gene for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 2. Plant Disease 91:758-762.

El Mehrach,K., M. Sedegui., A. Hatimi, S. Tahrouch, A. Arifi, H. Czosnek, M. K. Nakhla and D.P. Maxwell. 2007. Molecular Characterization of a Moroccan Isolate of Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus and differentiation of the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus complex by the polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 46 (2):185-194.

Barillas, A.C., Mejía, L., Sánchez-Pérez, A., and Maxwell, D.P. 2008. CAPS and SCAR markers for detection of I-3 gene introgression for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3. Tomato Genetic Cooperative Report 58: (in press).

Garcia, B.E., Mejía, L., Melgar, S., Teni, R., Sánchez-Pérez, A., Barillas, A.C., Montes, L., Keuler, N.S., Salus, M.S., Havey, M.J., and Maxwell, D.P. 2008. Effectiveness of the Ty-3 introgression for conferring resistance in F3 families of tomato to bipartite begomoviruses in Guatemala. Rept. Tomato Genetic Coop. 58: (in press)






Douglas Maxwell

    and Luis Mejia

  (2004)- Sanarate, GT        



Created: August, 2008 by Douglas Maxwell
