Tomato field trial -- October 2005 at Sanarate, GT


Oh yea, it is raining. It rained over 250 mm in 5 days, mostly at night. Douglas Maxwell, University of Wisconsin-Madison.





Maxwell (left) and grower (right). Grower wanted to purchase seed of one of the Gentropic Seeds hybrids. Unfortunately, this was an XA hybrid and it will need additional, multisite evaluation before it is released. It had size, shape, firmness and resistance, plus excellent yield -- all in all, this hybrid was exactly what the grower wanted.






Local grower has been following progress of our trials for several years and is very impressed. He tried to grow tomatoes in April 05 and lost his crop because of 100% virus infection. His field was about 200 m away from this field trial.




These fellows, Elevio, Luis Mejia, and Mynor, are demonstrating the yield potential of three hybrids in comparison to the commerical hybrid, Silverado (right hand of Mejia - small bag). These bags represent the total fruits from an average plant. These hybrids will go to the next phase of evaluation, ie XB's.




[Back to Field Tests, Oct05] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]