Tomato field trial -- Views of commerial hybrids in July-October 2005 at Sanarate, GT


Field, Aug.05

Field trial on August 19, 2005 (6 wks post transplanting). Application of fungicides.





Commerial hybrid (bottom left, Silverado) in September with DSI = 4 and breeding line Gc43-5-1-3-1-1 (top right) with a DSI = 1.5.






Silverado, DSI=4

Commerial hybrid (Silverado) on October 7 with DSI = 4. Most commercial hybrid plants were dead. This is one of the few plants that was still alive. A blight was causing considerable defoliation.




[Back to Field Tests, Oct05] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]