Evaluation of tomato hybrids for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala: October 04


Hybrid XA4


Commerical hybrid, Silverado, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. Over 300 plants of commerical hybrids were planted in the plot area and all had a DSI = 3.5 or greater. Essential no yield.




Experimental hybrid, XA4, grown in our high virus pressure plots at Sanarate, Guatemala. Over 300 plants of commerical hybrids were planted in the plot area and all had a DSI = 3.5 or greater. This hybrid had a DSI = 2.5 and gave a reasonable yield under extreme virus pressure and poor soil. This hybrid was uniform in plant type (F4 parents) and will be created using F6 parents for future testing.


Experimental hybrid, XA4, grown in plots with no virus pressure and excellent management in Guatemala. The yield was outstanding under these conditions.


[Back to Field Tests, October 04] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]