Evaluation of tomato germplasm for resistance to geminiviruses in Sanarate, GT

         Luis Mejia, Universidad de San Carlos, Project leader


Pepper fields are commonly found close to tomato fields.  Many times these peppers have typical symptoms of a begomovirus infection (see below).  This pepper, collected in March 2003 in the western end of the Salama Valley, tested positive for a begomovirus with a general CP probe (M. K. Nakhla).  The pepper below was very near a tomato field with 100% incidence of begomovirus infection.  The grower had invested about $1,000 in planting the peppers and tomatoes and was going to have major losses -- total loss for the tomatoes.  He had borrowed the money from the bank.  In the past, Pepper golden mosaic virus had been identified by sequence analysis to be present in the peppers in GT.

   Pepper with typical symptoms for a begomovirus infection.  It tested positive for begomovirus with the general CP probe.

[Back to Field Tests, March 03] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]