Evaluation of tomato germplasm for resistance to geminiviruses in Sanarate, GT

         Luis Mejia, Universidad de San Carlos, Project leader


One of the ways this project can help the small farmer is to produce a hybrid tomato that can been grown for their own food use.  Such a high yielding, begomovirus resistance hybrid is being prepared by Pilones de Antigua in cooperation with Dr. Luis Mejia for distribution to small growers in the Sanarate and Salama Valley area.  This hybrid would not be firm enough for commercial production.


Here is a grower, who has nearly 100% incidence in peppers and 100% incidence in tomatoes for begomoviruses, discussing the bookmark with Dr. Luis Mejia.  He really liked the pictures as it helped him understand what needed to be done to manage these diseases.  We are looking for sponsors for this Bookmark, if you are interested, please contact Douglas Maxwell (dum@plantpath.wisc.edu).

   March 2003, Salama Valley, GT

[Back to Field Tests, March 03] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]