Goal:  Tagging resistance genes from L. hirsutum

        Project leader:  Luis Mejia, Universidad de San Carlos


From cross of GF lines with susceptible lines, resistance from L. hirsutum was dominant and may be one major gene.  The susceptible parent M82, which is the cultivar used in the mapping studies for the Ty1 gene. About 100 plants of the F2 population (GF2 x M82) were planted and symptoms were very evident at 30 days on some plants.  At 85 days, fruit were collected from the 8 most resistant plants and the 8 most susceptible plants in March 2003. 

  Note resistant plant on right and susceptible plant on the left.  DSI's for resistant plants were 2 to 2.5 and susceptible plants 3.5 to 4.

[Back to Field Tests, March 03] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]