Evaluation of tomato germplasm for resistance to geminiviruses in Sanarate, GT
Luis Mejia, Universidad de San Carlos, Project leader
Commercial hybrids:
Elios -- at 85 days after transplanting, some plants were dead. At 30 days after transplanting, all plants had geminiviral symptoms with a DSI of about 3.
Marina -- at 85 days after transplanting, all plants were dead. At 30 days after transplanting, all plants had geminiviral symptoms with a DSI of about 3. Image is from 70 days after transplanting.
Breeding Line, Resistance from L. hirsutum:
GF13 breeding line -- DSI 1.5 at 85 days after transplanting.
[Back to Field Tests, March 03] [Breeding tomatoes for resistance to geminiviruses in Guatemala]