MERC/USAID Project: Development of tomatoes with combined resistance to TYLCV using both virus-derived resistance and molecular marker-assisted breeding
Activities: Cairo Meeting - November 2006
This project will (i) evaluate several experimental breeding lines for resistance to TYLCV and TYLCSV in Middle Eastern countries, (ii) develop hybrids for local production with resistance to begomoviruses, (iii) develop methods for tagging the resistance genes, (iv) apply marker-assisted breeding methods for cultivar development, and (v) combine rDNA strategies with traditional sources of resistance.
Project duration: November 2001 to December 2008.
Project coordinator: Dr. Hanokh Czosnek, Professor, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. Phone: 972-8-9489249; FAX: 972-8-9468265; E-mail:
Participating Countries: Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, USA
Created June 6, 2001; Upated Dec 2006. Contact: Douglas P. Maxwell (