Dollar Spot

- Dollar spot is most destructive on creeping bentgrass, but it is an important pathogen of all turfgrass species. It is prevalent from late spring to early winter and spreads most quickly on warm days and cool nights.
Pathogen - Sclerotinia homoeocarpa
- - Fungus belonging to the phylum Ascomycota
- - Fast growing
- - Fluffy, white mycelium becomes felt-like with shades of gray, yellow, olive, or brown
- - Black stroma develops after a couple weeks of growth
- - Stromata occasionally produced on infected leaves under moist conditions in late season
Symptoms and Signs
- - Silver dollar sized patches on closely mowed turfgrass; size of patch larger on taller grasses
- - Hourglass-shaped lesions are tan with reddish-brown borders and expand to cover width of
- leaf blade
- - White mycelium often visible on dew covered leaves
Control Measures
- - Maintain adequate soil nitrogen levels
- - Promote good air circulation
- - Chemical controls: Benomyl, Mancozeb, Banner, etc.